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Cats leave their mark on centuries of books

Once, an academic Emir Filipovi ć was researching a medieval Italian manuscript. It was a book which he A22 _______ from the State Library Archives. He discovered that the manuscript was stained with inky cat paw prints. The discovery has placed Filipovi ć at the centre of a social media whirl, and he says he’s still surprised A23 _______ how popular the photograph has proved to be.

“I A24 _______ out that one of the main reasons why people had a positive response to it is down to the fact that it makes you imagine the scene in your head when the cat jumped onto the book. This especially A25 _______ to cat owners, who are familiar with such typical cases, but also to people who do not own pets since they can still identify with the unfortunate writer,” Filipovi ć says.

“One other important thing is that some people A26 _______ to associate the past times with history as a boring school subject focused on politics and wars. They forget that the past was full of ‘normal’ everyday events like today, and that A27 _______ people who lived in the past were not much different from us. This picture with the cat paw prints A28 _______ everybody about it.”

The cat owners know how annoying it is to have a purring cat trying to climb onto our keyboards while we’re working, and I love the thought of a medieval writer being similarly irritated.



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