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Задание 780


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Looking for Alaskaby John Green

“Looking for Alaska”, written by John Green, is a story that will leave the reader moved by the characters. The readers will A22 _______ things about themselves they may have never known.

The author graduated from Kenyon College and worked for the “Booklist” journal. He reviewed hundreds of books, particularly literary fiction. In A23 _______, he critiqued novels for “The New York Times” Book Review. His first novel Looking for Alaska” was mostly A24 _______ by his experience at a boarding school. This book made the Top 10 Best Book for Young Adults” and undoubtedly A25 _______ it.

The novel is flawlessly written, moving and stimulating. All the characters are real and can create connections with their audience. They no longer seem to behave like fictional characters, but rather real people that have similar problems and ideas as young adults nowadays. A26 _______ of this, readers are able to recognize their own search for self-identity or labyrinths they must escape through the main characters.

Overall, I would recommend this novel to kids in high school. The characters in this story showed me the good and bad parts of life and still A27 _______ me want to live through them. This novel generated a spectrum of emotions with each page and I could A28 _______ put it down.



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