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Задание 1375

All through the show the master of the ceremony __________________ jokes with special clowns.




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Texas Rodeo

The rodeo is a really exciting event. It is a thrilling ____COMPETE____ between cowboys from all over the country. It has a long tradition and even today there are rodeo schools which keep it alive and ___PROFESSION___. The rodeo is a spectacular sight. If a ____VISIT____ has a place in the first row of the arena, he or she may even be sprinkled with sand by the passing horses. The _____PERFORM___ usually starts with an opening ceremony by horsemen dressed in bright colours and carrying flags. All through the show the master of the ceremony ___CONSTANT___ jokes with special clowns. A rodeo in Texas is certainly an exciting experience which is practically ___POSSIBLE____ for a tourist to forget.


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